Onion Juice for Cough: Natural Home Remedy for Relief

Onion juice for cough: How this home remedy heals naturally. Onion juice Since our great-grandmothers' time, they knew an effective home remedy for colds: onion juice! Onion cough syrup provides relief for coughs and sore throats. How to make it, how it works, and what to consider when taking it. "That really made my eyes water" – Those who say this have usually experienced something painful. But onions also represent the other side of the sensation scale: comfort, relief, ease. As a home remedy for coughs, the juice of this tear-inducing vegetable soothes the urge to cough and tastes better with honey or sugar than expected. Onion juice for cough since great-grandmothers' time. Onion juice for cough is undoubtedly great-grandmothers' patented recipe during the cold season. This is not only because onions have been cultivated for about 5000 years. The essential oils in onion juice have antibacterial, pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and germicidal properties. Th...